Children's Health Program

You can help us save a child's life....

From the beginning....

…of the projects in Kyamulibwa we began to identify children with serious illness….while treatment was often available in a nearby city, costs of treatment and transport and family support during these times are beyond the reach of most villagers.

As you can see...

…in the case of Nantege Josephine, New Village Alliance and SKAU were able to provide the necessary treatments and support to enable her to be a healthy, happy primary schooler today.


….we have not always gotten there in time…we lost 12 year old Emmanuel in the summer of 2019 to Nasal Pharyngeal Carcinoma, in spite of treatment. New Village Alliance with SKAU provided treatment, transport and family support for Emmanuel and his family and people in both villages grieved his loss at such a young age….